Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So You Think You Can Change Things Up?

As a semi-avid SYTYCD follower, Season 7 has brought some mixed emotions. As always, I was excited to meet some 20 new, freakishly talented dancers but this season promised a twist--we would be joining only 10 new dancers on their journey. The other empty spots? All-star dancers from past seasons.

There were many questions right off the bat: Who were these "all-stars"? Were they re-competing? If so, why?! Now that the show has officially got on a roll, the questions have been answered but I'm not sure everyone likes those answers. The all-stars are basically there as a "Dancing With the All-Stars" set up. Former contestants from specific genres have been brought back as familiar faces for the audience and expert partners for the newbies.

After the first night of performances. it is clear why they have brought back these runners up. The 12 all-star performers do bring a new level to the competition but then, when they've done their dance, they roll off stage like a prop only to return next week to be another dancer's partner. Without a week-to-week partner to grow and learn with, no real connections will be made between couples. No Mark and Chelsie, no Melissa and Ade, no Benji and Donyelle.

Also, since they are well seasoned dancers, some of them are blowing the new kids off the block. Twitch definitely outdid himself in the NappyTabs number, leaving Alexie looking a little amateur. Other partners that worked it were Robert and Courtney and Jose and Comfort. In the case of contestant Alex Wong, his all-star partner Allison brought an equally impressive level of talent that amazed and goosebump-ed the judges. However, I respectfully disagree with Mia Michael's statement that the Sonya Tayeh number was the greatest dance ever danced. Off the top of my head, Melissa and Ade's breast cancer performance was called the same and the dance Travis Wall choreographed to Jason Mraz's "If it Kills Me", could also be a competitor in the "Best Dance" category.

We'll see how America feels about the new setup when we see the results show tomorrow. Will they be voting on performances based on their favorite all-star or the actual competitor? My top 3 were Robert, Alex and I have to say, Kent. My bottom 3 were probably. Adechike, Alexie and Melinda. America tends to be more fickle than I, so we will see whose fate they determined tomorrow night.

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